In A World Where You Can Be Anything… Be Kind

Published January 12, 2017 by Jamie Barone

boy-447701_1920Heart-Thought for the day:

I’ve been thinking a lot today about the Trump children. You see, as I began to notice, with a new awareness, the increase in mockery, hate filled, downright cruel memes floating around out there of their father, Donald Trump, I began to think of how deeply hurt my own children would feel at seeing these about their own father, or of me (regardless of the type of person we each are). And I thought about how I, or any of us would feel at seeing these same images of hate and mockery aimed at our own parents, regardless of who or how they may be or the status of our relationship with them.

That would be so hurtful!

I felt instantly aware of the profound cruelty in this and truly want no part in it. In truth, my personal disdain for Donald Trump, or yours, does not give us the right to hurt people. It does not justify hurting conscious, feeling beings. And it only reveals our heart condition, not his. No, I don’t want to be a part of the pain, I want to be a part of the healing and a part of the Love.

And this, is where I see living in awareness beautifully flowing from my heart to yours.

Speaking our truth from a space of Love rather than fear or hate is the difference between harming and healing.

Let us be the Love.


Let Us Grieve…

Published January 12, 2017 by Jamie Barone

gothic-1629448_960_720Our New President of the United States of America. Let us grieve…

Please bear with me here… This is spoken from a place of Love and compassion for all.

The hurt that people are feeling is deep. It is so much deeper than the mere dislike of a president or a political preference. This is not even a Trump vs Clinton issue (that’s another story for another time). This pain and grief comes from the “statement” that has been spoken by the American people who voted this man into our presidency, and all that he stands for. This statement cuts deep to our core, and it goes against everything that our beloved country stands for.

“The American people have spoken, and we need to ‘get over it,’ accept the people’s choice and ‘unite'” (you say). Yet, a vote for Donald Trump was a vote “against unity,” against oneness, against respect of ethnic minorities, it was a vote against the respect of women, and so much more. Let us, with compassion, take a look at the heart issue…

More than half of the population did not vote. Hilary Clinton won the popular vote. Donald Trump won the electoral college vote. This is only the second time in history that a candidate who has won the popular vote did not make presidency. This means that most Americans did not vote for Donald Trump; for some, this may help to ease some of the pain. Still, let us look at the statement made by the American people who did vote for him and why so many precious people are hurting:

A vote for Donald Trump was a statement saying, “I support racism,” I support sexism.” I support abuse, the demeaning and belittling and disrespect of women, our veterans, homosexuals, the disabled, Muslims, Mexicans, and immigrants who are trying to make a better life for themselves and their families, just as our ancestors did. And let us please not forget that many Native American people were here on this land before it was taken from them, and they are still being treated as immigrants (again, another story for another time).

A vote for Donald Trump said, “Get out of our country you Mexicans and Muslims, you immigrants, we don’t want you here! And we are going to build a wall to keep you out! We don’t value you or your families or your lives.” Imagine for a moment, just how painful this statement is.

A vote for Donald Trump said, “We support the disrespect of women!” It said, ” We support looking the other way; we support sexual harassment and sexual abuse against women and girls!” It was a vote that further stabbed women in the deepest part of our hearts, after all we have fought against in this kind of treatment of our women for centuries. It said to women, “We don’t value you or your lives, or your progress.”

A vote for Donald Trump said, “We support the disrespect of our veterans who sacrificed and fought and put their very lives on the line for our freedom!”

It said, “We support the disrespect of those who are disabled and those who are mocked.”
And so much more.

Yes, a vote for Donald Trump said, “I support racism, sexism, bigotry, bullying, misogyny, abuse, sexual abuse, the disrespect of women, of homosexuality, of veterans and the disabled. It said, “I support hatred, inequality and division in the United States of America.

Now you say; “I didn’t vote for those things, I voted for the other things, but not those things.” And I am sure you feel this way, and I am sure that your heart is good, and your intentions were good… and I Love you, regardless. Yet even when, a vote for Donald Trump was in support of “whatever those ‘other’ things are,” it was also in support of all of the above. We cannot support the head without supporting the body.

Now, just, imagine, how this statement by the very Americans who are our brothers and sisters, our families and friends, our partners, our neighbors and our coworkers, hurts. Just for a moment, feel the compassion, and imagine, how deeply, this statement hurts. Yes, America has voted and has spoken, and this is what you’ve said. And, it, hurts.

And we grieve. Please allow us the space to grieve.

You are Loved… No matter what your vote or my vote reflects, we must continue to move from a space of Love, not hate and not fear… but Love.


~ The Strength Of My Soul ~

Published April 14, 2015 by Jamie Barone

For those of you who are struggling, please know that you are not alone, and that these painful times will indeed pass. Don’t give up… Much Love to ALL.

~ The Strength Of My Soul ~when...

When darkness enveloped my every cell.
When slow motion entrapped me and time stood still.
When I could no longer see through the heavy haze,
And catching my breath was beyond the fiery blaze,
‘Twas then that the strength of my soul took over…

‘Twas then that the strength of my soul took over…

When my world around me fell away.
When my days and nights I could barely contain.
When my knees hit the ground in painful despair,
With my head bowed down in the deepest of prayer,
‘Twas then that the strength of my soul took over…

‘Twas then that the strength of my soul took over…

It’s been quite a long while since those days have elapsed,
Since time stood still and mere breath hard to grasp.
My world is now clear, full of wondrous Joys,
Full of Peace, Light and Love, and a story to unfold,
As I walk with the strength… the strength of my soul…

As I walk with the strength… The strength of my soul…

© Jamie Antoinette Barone

Strength in Softness…

Published April 3, 2015 by Jamie Barone

softTrue Story: I have been told that I am too soft and too gentle. Yes, it’s true, my voice is very soft and my ways are soft and gentle. And yes, I tend to handle situations from a tender heart and always with the intention of bringing peace… Always. I have been this way my entire life… it’s simply who I am.  And while these traits tend to seem weak to some people, please make no mistake about it… it takes tremendous strength to remain soft and gentle in this world. To remain peaceful in tough situations. To make a conscious effort in not allowing life’s hardships to harden one’s heart. To make the decision every… single… day… to forgive… and then to forgive again. To Love… Love… and then, Love some more. This doesn’t mean we always handle every situation perfectly, but our heart is always flowing in this intended space. There is a tremendous strength in softness and in gentleness. I assure you…

Yes, we need to be wary of those who would try to manipulate and take advantage of such souls, but again, we are mighty strong beings. We are not weak, nor are we easily fooled. We always know what we’re up against, whether or not we reveal this to the rest of the world. And we do so with grace and with the intention of Loving. Always…

Being harsh, abrasive, loud, aggressive, these are not where true strength lies, in fact, these characteristics are mostly drawn from fear of not being strong enough, born out of the need to control, and much more, but, not out of true strength. True strength does not need to reveal itself, it simply is. It simply is.

Please make no mistake about it… There is a profound strength in softness.



By Jamie Barone

On Speaking Up…

Published August 29, 2014 by Jamie Barone


An excerpt from my forthcoming book, Living From A Place of Authentic Love and Freedom, by Jamie Barone

“There was a time in my life, actually, most of my life, where I allowed myself to be a doormat. I allowed myself to be disrespected and mistreated. I would allow myself to be diminished and even excluded from things that I was a part of and were important to me without feeling that I could speak up for myself. 

I was easily intimidated. I was fearful of conflict or approaching anything important to me, as the negative judgments and belittlement of my feelings from others would crush me. I always allowed others to take front row, shine in the spotlight, and exclude me, while I patiently hid away in the shadows nowhere to be seen. I felt invisible.

I’m positive this was born out of my upbringing from a very young age, one in which I was not allowed to speak up for myself, one in which I lived in fear of erratic punishment, of angering another, of abandonment and rejection. This is not to blame another, but rather to understand where I go to shed light of truth upon the lies that were instilled in me. This removes any victim mentality and turns it into empowerment. I have the power in me, the right, the worth, the value, to speak up for myself… to Lovingly and courageously speak up for myself. Yes.

And as I grow in awareness and remain open to this growth, I continue to find more and more opportunities which bring to me the very lessons I need, in order to strengthen that courage and lose that fear of speaking up. Yes, during these moments, they may feel difficult, but as I move through them, as I learn and grow, as I take action through the fear, through the insecurity, I began to feel more and more empowered… more and more of who I truly am. And I can feel the broken pieces of my soul begin to come together again.

It is okay to be powerful.

It is okay to express yourself.

It is okay to shine.

It is okay to be you.”


What Is My Name?

Published August 13, 2014 by Jamie Barone

doeHello… hello… is anyone there?
Does anyone care?

Can you see me?
I am the face of despair.
I hide beneath these twinkling eyes
As I wonder who would care.

My Loves…
Can you hear me?
I am the voice of sadness.
I quietly hover beneath
The laughter and the madness.

Would somebody please hold me?
I outstretch my arms to you.
Or can this world never stop its scolding
And finally possess a Love that is true?

Life a thief in the night…
Darkness came to steal my light.
Quiet and afraid, as I sit all alone,
In a room that once held happiness,
I now feel only doom.

As this darkness overtakes me,
I can no longer find my way.
My reasons to live escape me.
And now death is my only solace.
‘Tis my only saving grace.

Hello… hello… is anyone there?
Can anyone care?

© Jamie Barone – 2014

In Loving Memory to all who lost their lives to the unrelenting, unbearable darkness.
I Love You.


Published June 11, 2014 by Jamie Barone

all about perspectiveHow we see things, as you know, is all about perspective. And the way in which we see things, the way we personally interpret them, is always about what is inside of us and not about the other person, thing, or situation we are perceiving.

Our personal perceptions are born out of the sum total of our life experiences, our feelings of confidence or inadequacy, our feelings of security or fear, of our need to control outcomes or people (which is fear based) or of feelings of inner-peace and surrender… and the list goes on. Perception is always an inside job.

Isn’t that wonderful to know?

Changing our perceptions is profoundly life changing. Yes indeed, changing the way we see things, truly does change everything!

If we wish to change our perceptions, we needn’t change anything outside of us, it all has to happen on the inside of ‘us’, we simply work on our inner-selves; we heal that which needs healing (and we ALL have wounds requiring healing, not one of us escapes this), we open our hearts to the unending possibilities of our magnificent Universe, and we surrender our need to control. We learn to change our ‘thoughts’ which will change our ‘feelings’, which will change the way we view life, people, intentions, situations, our world. Truly. We learn to ‘let go’ of all that we cling so tightly to.


P.S. That said, even this post is simply my personal perspective and is open to change as I continue to evolve. 😉

Real Love…

Published April 26, 2014 by Jamie Barone

rl~ Real Love ~

Could you Love me
If I were different than you,
If my thoughts and feelings
Left much to understand?

Could you Love me,
Making no demands,
Allowing me to be
Exactly who I am?

Would you Love me
In the darkest night,
When life’s storms come crashing in,
And filling me with fright?

Could you hold me
If I asked you to?
Or would you be too busy,
Always so much to do?

Could you kiss me – so tenderly
If my face were no longer pretty?
Or would you feel the need to hide
Behind those beautiful blue eyes?

Could you Love me
When I let you down,
Or would you walk away
Tossing my heart on the ground?

Could you Love me
Till the end of time,
Or would your heart grow weary
Of Loving mine?

© Jamie Barone

Quiet the Storm…

Published April 26, 2014 by Jamie Barone

qsThere are times when storms come into our lives without warning. Like a ship lost out at sea, we can feel as though we’re being tossed to-and-fro, not knowing where this darkened and frightening storm is taking us… and feeling as though we are powerless to guide ourselves to safety, let alone knowing where to go or even how to get there.

It can feel dizzying, blinding, frightening, lonely – it can look as though there is no way out, no way to safely land ashore. But I want to tell you that no matter what storm you may be facing in your life today, I promise you this; IT WILL PASS!! You see, storms ‘never’ settle – they are always moving and ever changing – they can only ‘ever’ pass through.

Never forget that you are indeed a Divine Invincible Spirit that is stronger and more powerful than your human-ness can even comprehend. You are strong – you are mighty – you are amazingly capable of handling ANY storm!

You are Divine!

You are Spirit!

You are an Heir of our most High God!

Stand tall – stand strong – smile – put a sparkle back in those stunning eyes of yours; look that storm right in the eye and *know* it is already defeated! Don’t worry about this storm sinking you… it cannot sink you unless you give up and give in… don’t you dare!! You keep yourself afloat… you walk on that water and show it what you’re made of!!

Remember. Every. Storm. Will. Pass.

Every storm will pass, and that brilliant, magnificent sun will shine down upon your beautiful face once again…

And please know… you are NEVER alone!!


By Jamie Barone


Published April 22, 2014 by Jamie Barone

“It is not necessary to isolate children and withdraw our love to teach them how to “behave”. In fact, it is entirely possible to help children learn to be cooperative and decent members of society without ever issuing punishments, rewards, or artificial consequences of any kind. No quick and easy method will solve every conflict. Instead, we need to treat each situation as the unique challenge that it is, and try to be flexible and creative, all the while giving our children the love and respect they deserve.”

-Aletha Solter

puI absolutely believe in this… wholeheartedly. I live this and find that there is never a need for punishment in order to teach, in order for a child to learn, in order to turn a behavior around. In fact, children LOVE when we take the time to gently teach them and help them to learn new ways of handling situations, new ways of handling their emotions – it empowers them in a most wonderful way – it lifts them up, rather than tear them down – it fills them with hope and healthy self-esteem, rather than shame and condemnation. They SO LOVE to please us and make us proud… and they SO LOVE to learn and to become empowered. And more importantly, they Love to give and receive LOVE like no other being on this planet. Punishment does not teach anything… other than… well… punishment.



By Jamie Barone